
And So It Begins

So It is 11:28pm on 2/29/2020. I have just been through the wringer trying to create this website. A little background on me and websites, ummmm…, I have never done anything like this before and so far it’s not going so hot. However, this too shall become a part of my new journey. So why now, why bother on Leap Day to create something I know not of? Well, I figured Leap day was symbolic in a way. Symbolic of me taking leaps into new horizons, leaping into the unknown, leaping out of my comfort zone, and leaping into a new life. Now, what is changing you ask? My outlook for one. I have spent years caged by fear, health issues, and just getting in my own way. Over the last year and a half I have had lots of downs, started to take better care of myself, walked away from toxic things, and am trying to be a more complete me by way of God, health, marriage, family, and happiness. I have began to cast away those fears, doubts, and chains that have dragged me down for years. And my new start, a start I should have taken years ago begins today…LEAP DAY! I hope you’ll join me for discussion, opinion, life changes, and life experiences. I am no expert, I have no degree in psychology, nutrition, health, fashion, crafting, or web design, but I am not going to let that stop me. I have a lot to offer, a lot to say, and a lot to improve upon. And this journey is mine to share with whomever chooses to read it. I have chosen “That Ginger Snapped” because as a redhead, a woman, a human, a friend, a daughter, a wife, and everything in-between, I am sick of this life I have chosen to hole up in. I am snapping those ties that bind and getting new perspective and am using this as a catalyst too keep myself motivated, accountable, and to be as vulnerable as possible. I want to be that woman a year from now (and I do mean 2021 not 2024) that says, “I did it, and so can you!” So thank you to those that read, thank you to those that love it, and thank you to those that hate it, because that means they probably need this the most. And so….IT BEGINS!